BARU SAJA!! Polrestabes Surabaya Dibom 8.50 WIB

Polrestabes Surabaya di Jalan Sikatan Nomor 1 dibom. Kejadian sekitar pukul 08.50 WIB.

"Sekitar pukul 08.50 WIB ada ledakan," kata Kabid Humas Polda Jatim, Kombes Frans Barung kepada wartawan, Senin (14/5/2018).

Polisi masih menyisir lokasi.

Nowadays, when you buy a car, you must also carry adequate insurance. You may be wondering why do you have to cover the extra cost of the

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BARU SAJA!! Polrestabes Surabaya Dibom 8.50 WIB
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